San Luis Obispo Estate Planning Lawyers

San Luis Obispo Estate Planning Lawyers

Toews Bio Abram

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Our Estate Planning Services

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Meet Our team

We at Toews Bio & Abram, Inc. have a goal of being the best estate planning and administration attorneys in San Luis Obispo, providing our clients with superior representation in matters involving estate planning, tax planning, living wills, probate or business transactions and law that often are intertwined in a person’s estate.

J. Christopher Toews

J. Christopher Toews began his legal career in 1968 when he moved to New York City and worked at a few firms over the next decade. A graduate of the University of Southern California School of Law, Chris has worked in a wide range of legal fields including business law, estate planning, non-profit, probate and taxation.

He returned to his native California in 1983 and has been in private practice since 1984. In addition to his extensive work and experience as a lawyer, Chris has written articles for the American Bar Association, the “Trusts and Estates Quarterly,” and lectures on business, estate planning and tax issues.

Shannon M. Bio

A native of San Luis Obispo, Shannon M. Bio obtained her law degree from the Santa Barbara College of Law. She was admitted to the State Bar of California in 2011. Before attending law school, she had extensive experience in the field of law. She has worked as a law clerk, an assistant private investigator, and as a paralegal.

After obtaining her law degree and being admitted to the State Bar, she became an attorney with Frederick Law Firm and worked on a wide variety of different cases. Shannon joined Toews Bio & Abram, Inc. in September of 2013 and has focused mainly on estate planning and trust administration.

Curtis V. Abram

Curtis V. Abram grew up in San Luis Obispo. After graduating from San Luis Obispo High School in 2007, Curtis attended Emmanuel College in Boston, Massachusetts where he earned a B.A. in both Business Management and English Communication. Following his return to California, Curtis earned his law degree from the University of San Diego School of Law, graduating magna cum laude in 2015 with election to The Order of the Coif and The Order of the Barristers.

Shane R. Kennedy

Shane R. Kennedy was born and raised in San Luis Obispo. He graduated from San Luis Obispo High School in 2009, and California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly), San Luis Obispo in 2014. He earned his law degree from Western State College of Law in Irvine, California, graduating magna cum laude in 2019. While in law school, Shane was elected as the ABA Media Alerts Editor of the Law Review, served as Vice-President of the Business Law Association, interned with a general counsel of an international corporation, and studied international intellectual property law at University College Dublin in Ireland during the Summer of 2018.

J. Christopher Toews
Shannon M. Bio
Curtis V. Abram
Shane R. Kennedy
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