A living will is another name for an Advanced Health Care Directive (AHCD). You have the right to give instructions about your own health care. You also have the right to name someone who will make health care decisions for you when or if you are unable. An AHCD makes sure that your medical wishes are clearly stated so that there are no misunderstandings. The attorneys at Toews Bio & Abram, Inc. are experts in drafting and developing living wills in San Luis Obispo. We help you complete all the steps necessary requirements of an AHCD (living will) to make sure that your wishes are followed.
What is a Living Will?
A living will is one that allows people to state their end-of-life wishes for medical care and associated situations. Many people do not create living wills, which can create a lot of problems in the event of serious illness or an accident. A living will is different than one that specifies how assets are distributed. This is an important distinction as many people think all wills revolve around distributing assets.
Without a living will, family and medical professionals may not know your final wishes. This can lead to messy disputes that wind up in court and may cause you to you be subjected to medical treatments you may not have wanted.
Important Considerations When Creating a Living Will
While individuals can create a living will themselves, it is often advised that they seek the guidance and experience of a lawyer.
Circumstances to be considered for a living will include:
- Quality of life issues such as staying at home as long as possible, medical care in the event of incapacitating injury or illness, or even what to do with pets.
- Whether or not to use life-sustaining treatments such as artificial nutrition and hydration and Do Not Resuscitate or Do Not Intubate orders.
- Do you wish to be cremated? Do you want your remains spread someplace special? Do you want to be buried in a specific cemetery? Have arrangements already been made and who is designated to carry out these final wishes?
- Who do you want to make medical decisions on your behalf when you are unable to do so?
- Who has access to your medical records? This information is going to be necessary to help those you entrust with your wishes make the right decisions.
- Who can pay your medical and other bills if you are unable to do so?
Instead of trying to answer all the questions alone, reach out to Toews Bio & Abram, Inc. If you need help with living wills, our San Luis Obipso attorneys can be of service to you.
Discuss Living Wills with a San Luis Obispo Attorney
For many years, we have been helping a wide range of individuals with their living wills. No matter who you are or what your situation or wishes are, we are confident we can craft a living will that will give you and your family peace of mind.
We pride ourselves on our ability to provide the best client service available. So if you need assistance with living wills in San Luis Obispo, be sure to reach out to us and set up a consultation.